These days

Daily writing prompt
Do lazy days make you feel rested or unproductive?

The past couple of days, actually weeks of lazy days have made me feel unproductive. I just have so much work that needs to be done, and I end up doing nothing. I have a backlog of items in my personal life right now. In my defense, I have been coming back late from the office, so I am just exhausted by the time I reach home, and the traffic doesn’t help. Anyway, the weekend is finally here, am going to sleep like a bear.
College days were the best. I could go months without studying and just laze around, and still be able to give all the exams. Ah! Those days..

Aren’t we all?

Daily writing prompt
When you think of the word “successful,” who’s the first person that comes to mind and why?

I thought about this one for some time. I wanted to make sure I picked the right person, and I don’t have anyone. I feel that, like any other word, success is also subjective. What I perceive as success might not be much for you, and that is okay, I guess. What makes you happy should be a success for you.
The reason I say I couldn’t think of anyone is because I know the people around me and what they expect from life. Sure, they would have achieved certain milestones in their lives, and for that particular period, they were successful, but they could be so much more.
Sure, there are a number of public figures who have made a difference. On a personal level, since I don’t know them, I don’t want to comment on their success. In a sense, I am still defining success and haven’t found anyone who matches my choice. But for example, I started watching a YouTube channel based on news and events that needed to be talked about. From there, I added a few more to get more perspective. This, I feel, is a success for them because I know their motive is to get more people aware of and talking about current news, and they achieved that with me.
Right now, I am a successful version of myself for the 10th grade, and that is an amazing thing.

Haven’t talked to mine yet.

Daily writing prompt
What makes a good neighbor?

Someone who doesn’t bother me; if they have kids and I get to play with them, then they are the best neighbours I could ask for. Since the time I moved out, I have never had to have a conversation with my neighbours anywhere. Like I have seen them, but never interacted. I think till now I have only had conversations with the kid from my last place, no one else. If you include asking for a gas cylinder, then I have talked to two.
My mom and aunt talk about their childhood days and how everyone in their township knew one another. I would like to have something like that, but that is hardly possible now. Everyone is just busy living their lives. I haven’t met my neighbours in the new place I have moved to, and I have been living there for five months now.
In my ideal world, my neighbours include my family and friends. So yeah, to summarize, who would want a neighbour who disturbs your peace of mind, right?

Definitely food.

Daily writing prompt
What could you try for the first time?

Oh, I have always wanted to try those exotic meat and seafood items. Not that I have the guts to, but one day I shall try them all. These also include insects. I have only seen it on TV or YouTube and have always wondered what the texture and taste would be like.
There is also scuba diving, or anything to do with being underwater in the ocean or sea. I know how to swim, but the idea of a shark killing me or some water accident happening overpowers my love for water. On the other hand, I might be doing it in December for the first time. Hopefully, all goes well.

Parampara, Pratishtha, Anushasan

Daily writing prompt
What principles define how you live?

I honestly am just living right now; I know that sounds sad. If I had to definitely say a few, it would be to be happy and make others happy. That is how my mother raised me; she always said to do things that make you happy, but don’t hurt others in the process. Another thing would be to always be positive about yourself and others. She says to never say negatively-affecting words out in the open and always try to find a way around. I feel majorly I follow by these thoughts. Other things I am trying to follow are: be more honest and open about my thoughts; be more vocal. Also, be more disciplined.


Daily writing prompt
What have you been putting off doing? Why?

Currently, I have a bug that I need to close on, but I just keep pushing it away. I am mentally tired and lazy to do it. Like, I know if I start, I will obviously be able to finish it, but I just can’t.
Other than that, I have a gift idea in mind for my friend who will be leaving the country soon, and I have the rough sketch ready and all the colours set. Again, I just feel like I need some inspiration or push to actually go forward with it.
On a brighter note, the other things that I was putting off are finally over and these shall be too soon.


Daily writing prompt
When was the first time you really felt like a grown up (if ever)?

There have been moments when I have felt a little like a grownup. Those were mostly when I had to take care of my brother or certain situations that had come up then.
If I had to put a pin, I would choose the moment I got my salary. That is because around the same time I had to move into a house and buy things for it. That month hit me hard. I took EMIs, had to allocate the remaining money into different sections, separate out investments, and also save some. So, yeah, I am still trying to make my way out and discipline myself a little more.
That is about it. My life has had a complete 180-degree shift, and I have moments when I want to run back to the past and live my baby life. I feel the only thing I am looking forward to is being able to adopt, or at least financially support, a few.

This should totally happen.

Daily writing prompt
If you had a million dollars to give away, who would you give it to?

Okay, so I know you would have wanted me to give it to one thing only, but please let me distribute it. 50%, I would without a doubt give it to my mother. No, I won’t use it; my mother deserves the world, and this is just some money from me to her for her wishes and fantasies that couldn’t be fulfilled.
With the other 50%. I would either send it to some good orphanages after thorough research or build my own if there are no decent ones out there. I chose orphanages because that is what I resonate with. I know there are a number of other things I could do with the money that are way more important, but I’ll stick to children.
If only that much money reached my hands.


Daily writing prompt
What’s something you would attempt if you were guaranteed not to fail.

This is going to be a short answer. If I knew I wouldn’t fail and reach great heights, I would choose to be a professional swimmer. It’s not like it is not achievable; all I needed was continuous practice and dedication, but at that time, it wasn’t a priority or a means to support my family. Hence, if I knew with certainty that I would be able to support my family through swimming, I for sure would have taken it forward.
I would have also probably started investing soon.


Daily writing prompt
What was the hardest personal goal you’ve set for yourself?

I can’t answer what it was because I hadn’t set such extreme goals before I actually started earning. I mean, the max my goals was exercising every day for 30 days.
So, currently, my hardest goal is to buy my mother a house, whose location is wherever she wants. It’s hard because right now there are other things that also need money, so everything I am earning is being spread among different things. But yeah, I would very much love for my mom to have her very own house and not live in rented ones.